How to Achieve Success in Academic Writing in an Incredibly Quick Way

writingEvery person who has to deal with academic writing, whether just to get through college or to build his career on it, asks himself: how to write well? Is there any secret? Is there a way to master academic writing quickly?

In fact, there do exist such guidelines. If you’ve decided that academic writing is the vocation you want to pursue, they will certainly be of help.

1. Write about What You Are Interested in

And when we say ‘interested’ we don’t mean mild curiosity but passionate desire to know everything on the subject. This is, undoubtedly, the single most important piece of advice you may find – if you write about what you are interested in and what you love, you probably don’t even need any other guidelines – your passion will direct your efforts.

2. Don’t Procrastinate

Many people put off writing (and many other things, for that matter) to the last possible moment. Some do it because they are lazy and admit it. Others say that they work better under pressure and it is a kind of a strategic decision on their part.

Don’t fool yourself. Nobody works better under pressure. Those who say otherwise simply don’t work at all when not under pressure. So beat this habit, learn to do the necessary thing right now, and you will find out that writing isn’t all that boring.

3. When You Cannot Start, Start

Everybody who tackled writing knows that the hardest part is to start. So, the next time you are unable to start, try this: do something, anything. Use the research you’ve already made to perform any task pertaining to your writing, no matter how small. Write a ‘Works Cited’ page. Start writing a passage you’ve already prepared everything for. The trick is to start doing something – once you get started, the rest will follow.

4. Set Aside Time for Writing and Research

If you are going to have any real success in academic writing, you have to write and do your research regularly. In order to form a new habit, you should set aside some time every day, or on certain days of the week, that will be completely dedicated to writing and/or research. Make sure nothing and nobody distracts you at these times. Practice is the key to everything, but in case of writing it is especially true.

5. Connect for Inspiration

Writers cannot exist in isolation from the world and other human beings – inspiration may come from an unexpected direction, and you should be in contact with as many people in as many ways as possible. Attend conferences and seminars, read thematic magazines, read blogs and comment in them, improve your social media presence – it is all part of your life as a writer.

These tips may sound pretty generalized – but there is no surefire 10-step manual on how to become a good academic writer. All you can do is follow your common sense, use these or other tips and believe in success.

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